Power BI Service Principal
Creation and Configuration - step by step
Adding your own "Power BI Service Principal" provides several benefits. Firstly, it allow for the embedding of reports for audiences without Power BI Pro licenses, such as those using User Pass, Mobile ID, or Azure AD without Pro License. Additionally, the Service Principal can act as a fallback in situations where an Azure AD user does not have access to a workspace, allowing for embedding through the Service Principal. Moreover, numerous features within the system rely on the Service Principal for effective operation.
Add Power BI Service Principal
To create your own Service Principal, you can follow the steps outlined in the Microsoft documentation. And then to add the Service Principal to DataCentral, please perform all the steps below in the specified order.
You will need one of these following roles within Azure to create an app registration.
Application Administrator
Cloud Application Administrator
Global Administrator
Step-by-step guide:
Azure Portal
Embed Power BI content with Service Principal and an application secret
Create a Microsoft Entra app
In the Azure portal create a Microsoft Entra App
Sign in to Azure portal
Search for and select App registrations
Select "New registration"
Fill in the required information
Name - Enter a name for your application
Supported account types - Select supported account types
(optional) Redirect URI - Enter a URI if needed
Select Register
After you register your app, the Application (client) ID is available from the Overview tab. Copy and save the Application (client) ID for later use.
Select Manage and Certification & secrets
Select New client secret
In the Add a client secret window, enter a description, specify when you want the client secret to expire, and select Add.
Copy and save the client secret value.
Select Manage and API Permissions and make sure your Service Principal has these API permissions and then 'Grant admin consent'.
Power BI Service (Delegated):
Enable the Power BI service admin settings
For a Microsoft Entra app to access the Power BI content and APIs, a Power BI admin needs to enable the following settings:
Embed content in apps
Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs
In the Power BI Admin portal, go to Tenant settings, and scroll down to Developer settings.
Enable Embed content in apps either for the entire organization or for the specific security group you created in Microsoft Entra ID.
Enable Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs either for the entire organization.
Power BI Service
Add your Service Principal as an administrator to the workspaces you plan to embed within your tenant or use with your tenant's features. The minimum permission level assignable to the Service Principal is 'member'.
Sign in to the Power BI Environment you intent to use the Power BI Service Principal.
Important: Your service principal must have, at a minimum, 'member' permissions in the workspace to which you are adding it.
Find workspace select Manage access
Add your Power BI Service Principal to the workspace either as admin or member.
DataCentral tenant
Authenticate to your tenant.
Under Administration Settings -> Azure Configurations input the values collected from Azure Portal for your Service Principal.
Directory (tenant) ID
Application (client) ID
Client Secret
If you check the box "Only use Service Principal to manage items and workspaces in tenant" in Azure Configurations then you will only see workspaces your Service Principal(s) has access to. If the box is unchecked the normal workspace management will occur through your Azure AD user.
If you enable "Only use Service Principal to manage items and workspaces in tenant" then you can tres your Service Principal. Navigate to Power BI Items and select Manage workspaces.
If steps followed correctly you should now be able to embed report from workspace(s) to your tenant.
Last updated